Imagine the magical moments when you and your children are immersed in a world of fairy tales and fantasy...

Why get a Kniholo for the children’s room?

1) Kniholo in a child's room is more than just a practical piece of furniture.66¨

2) It is a space where memories are made and family ties are strengthened.

3) It is a gateway to a world of imagination and endless possibilities.

4) Kniholo for the children's room is an investment in your children's development.

5) Thanks to its sophisticated design and wide colour palette, it perfectly complements the children's room and gives it a cosy atmosphere.

6) You or grandma and grandpa can sit comfortably in it. That is, if the kids let you 🙂

The magic of shared moments

When you read to your children on the couch or in bed, you often realise that neither is ideal for reading. The book chair is designed for just such moments, so you don't have to sacrifice comfort or style. Plus, it will last you for years and become a family heirloom. Reading stories in one chair creates a unique feeling of closeness and security. Children feel loved and protected next to their parents and grandparents. when you read fairy tales to your children, it is a moment of comfort and peace. The bookchair is the perfect place for both of you to snuggle up and enjoy time together in maximum comfort - no uncomfortable positions or strain on the back.

Rest for you

After a busy day, reading in a book chair is a great way to relax. You can immerse yourself in the story together with the children, and even take a break yourself. The bookchair will offer you a quiet corner to regenerate while you build beautiful memories with your children. While you read to your children, you can also relax at the same time. The book chair is a place where you can switch off for a while, relax and enjoy a story together with your children.

Seating for visitors

When Grandma and Grandpa come to visit, they no longer have to sit on the floor or search for a place among the toys. The bookcase offers plenty of comfort for them too. It's the perfect combination of style and comfort to match the children's room, yet provide comfort for every member of the family, whether they're reading stories to the kids or just visiting.

0 spacious shelves

0 books inside

0 comfortable seat with a precious upholstering

0 your child's smile guaranteed

Create the perfect reading corner for your children today!